The Tryptich

Frank is een religieus man en als het aan hem ligt wordt iedere icoon, die ik maak, gewijd in een byzantijnse eredienst. Hij kocht mijn drieluik, die we samen in de Bulgaarse kerk in Den Haag brachten voor een uitgebreide wijding. Het was de moeite waard.

This was one of the most extending projects. And I loved every piece of work I did to make it what I felt it had to be.

At first I had a piece of pressed wood, which works better, because it doesn’t move. Although it’s not according to tradition, the endresult wil stay longer and that’s worth it.

Many many many meditative hours over about 2 or 3 years, before it was completed.

I made the frame myself, which is a big shelf. And glued the 3 pieces on it, after I covered the base with darkblue velvet. Framed small pieces, darkred painted around and in between.

Finally it was a very heavy thing and after hanging it on my wall it fell on the stone floor into pieces after some weeks. I repaired it and used iron wire instead of rope.

This friend of mine had followed the process and loved the piece. One day he very polity asked if there might be a chance to buy it from me. “Of course” I said and so he did. He doesn’t live too far away, so sometimes I can visit him and my friends in the tryptich.

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The tryptich is made of 3 icons - sold it to a friend. (now in Voorschoten)
All in one: Archangel Michael, Maria Magdalena, Archangel Gabriel

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